The below document provides current advice on the management of camping in National Parks and Reserves with regard to the State Governments Regional Travel Ban.
STAY HOME, STAY SAFE Easter and School holidays are normally a time where we welcome holiday makers with open arms to explore the beauty of our Collie River Valley region.
CLOSURE OF FRONT COUNTER AT SHIRE OFFICE We wish to advise that the front counter at the Shire administration office, 87 Throssell Street, will be closed to the public from 2pm on Friday 27 March 2020…
NO PERMITS TO BURN TO BE ISSUED The entire Shire of Collie has now entered a restricted burn period, meaning you now need to obtain a permit to conduct any burning of paddocks or stubble, bon fires …
As of Monday, March 23, 2020 Collie Public Library is now closed to the public following announcements from both Federal and State Government.???? Please note we are still offering a book pick up serv…
The Shire of Collie has closed Roche Park Recreation Centre and the Collie Public Library until further notice following the advice of Federal and State Government.