The study, a requirement of the Cape Peron Implementation Committee, was undertaken by Stantec, with inputs from Department of Defence, Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, and the City of Rockingham, to understand the current situation, and to inform future work required by state and federal governments to effect a resolution.It examined the local road network within Cape Peron and external connections, and considered forecast future traffic demand and its impact on roads and intersections.The study looked at the broader transport implications of the AUKUS defence project on the transport network in the Cape Peron area, and possible timeframes for when proposed changes would be needed.The findings show that traffic movement within the Cape Peron area is already at capacity during morning and afternoon peak periods, particularly along Parkin Street.City of Rockingham Mayor Deb Hamblin said the need for state and federal investment in the local road network is pressing.
City of Rockingham
14 Nov 2024
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