Ellenbrook recreation and aquatic facility reaches new milestone Published on 16 September 2020 Ellenbrook residents are one step closer to having a state-of-the-art recreation and aquatic facility in their own backyard.
Reid Highway upgrade complete Published on 11 September 2020 The Arthur Street Bridge was officially opened today, marking the official completion of the Reid Highway upgrade, a joint initiative betwe…
Earthworks contract awarded for indoor recreation and aquatic facility Published on 09 September 2020 The City of Swan has awarded a $317,000 earthworks tender for the Ellenbrook recreation and aquati…
Sneak peak of Weeip Park Published on 01 September 2020 We're excited to open the first stage of New Junction's most prominent public open space, Weeip Park.
First development on New Junction a catalyst for Midland's future Published on 28 August 2020 The first building in the City of Swan's New Junction precinct was officially opened today, markin…