We’re responding to the ongoing situation and acting on Government advice to ensure the safety of our community while continuing to deliver services as best as possible.
Update on City’s response to COVID-19 Published on 23 March 2020 Following the most recent government advice, the City’s six libraries, three Swan Active facilities and Midland Junction Art Centre hav…
Herne Hill resident Allen Notte recently received a Community Citizen of the Year Award for his contribution to the Swan Valley Sporting Club and the local community.
Update from Mayor about the City's response to COVID-19 Published on 19 March 2020 As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to change and evolve, I would like to let members of our commun…
Hear the latest update from City of Swan Mayor Cr Kevin Bailey about the City’s response to Coronavirus and the decisions the City is making to refocus our resources to continue supporting our communi…