25 young people had their voices heard at this year’s Youth Out Loud public speaking competition series, with 10 making it to the final on Friday, September 6.
Candidate nominations Published on 18 September 2019 Candidate nominations have now closed for the City of Swan Council elections that will take place on October 19.
City of Swan launches smart phone parking app Published on 10 September 2019 Parking in the City of Swan is now more convenient, thanks to a smart phone app that lets you control parking payments on t…
Volunteers help the City plant for our future Published on 05 September 2019 In 2019, the City of Swan will see more volunteers than ever before rolling up their sleeves to plant more than 17,000 tree…
Ellenbrook and Aveley Community Advisory Group nominations Published on 05 September 2019 The City of Swan is currently seeking nominations for a positive and motivated community representative for th…
Know someone great? Now's the time to nominate an individual or group for a 2020 Community Citizen of the Year Award, to be presented on Australia Day. Entries close October 31, 2019.